Friday, April 23, 2021

Hive Table operations - dropping partition, renaming partition, changing table properties, insert sample data


--Changing the table type from external table to managed table.

alter table c_sample_tbl set tblproperties('EXTERNAL'='FALSE');

--Dropping the hive partition along with its cache.

alter table c_sample_tbl drop if exists partition (bus_dt='2019-09-30') purge;

--Renaming the hive partition.

ALTER TABLE c_sample_tbl PARTITION (bus_dt='2019-09-30_1') RENAME TO PARTITION (bus_dt='2019-09-30');

--Changing the table type from managed table to external table.

alter table c_sample_tbl set tblproperties('EXTERNAL'='TRUE');

--Inserting sample data /static data to hive table for a static partition.

insert into c_curr_rates PARTITION (bus_dt = '2019-06-30') values ('INR','SGD',0.01886,'2019-12-02');

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