Sunday, January 10, 2021

RDD Vs Dataframe Vs Dataset


What are RDDs?

RDDs or Resilient Distributed Datasets is the fundamental data structure of the Spark. It is the collection of objects which is capable of storing the data partitioned across the multiple nodes of the cluster and also allows them to do processing in parallel.

What are Dataframes?

It was introduced first in Spark version 1.3 to overcome the limitations of the Spark RDD. Spark Dataframes are the distributed collection of the data points, but here, the data is organized into the named columns. They allow developers to debug the code during the runtime which was not allowed with the RDDs.

What are Datasets?

Spark Datasets is an extension of Dataframes API with the benefits of both RDDs and the Datasets. It is fast as well as provides a type-safe interface. Type safety means that the compiler will validate the data types of all the columns in the dataset while compilation only and will throw an error if there is any mismatch in the data types.

We cannot create Spark Datasets in Python yet. The dataset API is available only in Scala and Java only

Below are details.

RDDs and Datasets are type safe means that compiler know the Columns and it's data type of the Column whether it is Long, String, etc....

But, In Dataframe, every time when you call an action, collect() for instance,then it will return the result as an Array of Rows not as Long, String data type. In dataframe, Columns have their own type such as integer, String but they are not exposed to you. To you, its any type. To convert the Row of data into it's suitable type you have to use .asInstanceOf method.

eg: In Scala:

scala > :type df.collect()

df.collect().map{ row => 
    val str = row(0).asInstanceOf[String]
    val num = row(1).asInstanceOf[Long]


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